You’ve probably been playing a lot since getting your new acoustic guitar, and you might have even broken a string or two. No need to worry, we’re here with simple instructions and an easy to follow How-To video on how to restring your guitar.
How Often Should I Change My Guitar Strings?
Depending on how often you play, we recommend changing your strings every 3 to 6 months. Active players should change their strings more often.
How Do I Know When It’s Time to Change Strings?
Over time, your guitar strings will start to get old, corrode, and even break. As they age, you’ll notice that they lose their bright, crisp sound. This usually means it’s time to change your strings.
What Kind of Strings Should I Use?
Most Orangewood guitars come loaded with Ernie Ball Medium Light gauge strings. While you can use any brand you prefer, we recommend replacing your strings with a similar gauge — otherwise, you may need to adjust your truss rod to accommodate the new string gauge.
Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Your Strings
Watch our friend Mike Adams as he walks us through how to change our strings.
- Get your string winder and a new pack of strings.
- Detune all 6 strings until they’ve come loose from the headstock. You can either detune all strings at once or detune and replace the strings one by one.
- Use the flat part of the string winder to gently pop out your bridge pins.
- Remove the old strings.
- Insert the new strings and secure them with the bridge pins.
- Pull one of the strings through its corresponding tuning post.
- Measure one tuning post past the one you're stringing and crimp the string. Pull the string back until it catches on the tuning post.
- Using the string winder, start turning the tuning peg counterclockwise until there is enough tension.
- Repeat steps 6–8 until all strings have been replaced.
- Stretch and tune all strings. Each string will need to be stretched and tuned about 4–5 times.
With a few tries, you’ll be changing your strings in no time! If you’re still having trouble, feel free to email us at hello@orangewoodguitars.com. And check out our Care & Maintenance page for more How-To tips and tricks.